“Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature.”-Saint Augustine
2012年6月9日 星期六
2012年6月4日 星期一
【醫學】AIDS & HIV
以下是兩部由Brent Leung執導的紀錄片,受訪的專家很明顯都不是泛泛之輩:
以下是兩部由Brent Leung執導的紀錄片,受訪的專家很明顯都不是泛泛之輩:
- 《House of Numbers: Anatomy of an Epidemic》(2009)
- 影片連結:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_p-ttLfkZHQ
- 大陸有人翻譯成《解析愛滋病》
- IMDB上的劇情概要:
"What is HIV? What is AIDS? What is being done to cure it? These questions sent Canadian filmmaker Brent Leung on a worldwide journey, from the highest echelons of the medical research establishment to the slums of South Africa, where death and disease are the order of the day. In this up-to-the-minute documentary, he observes that although AIDS has been front-page news for over 28 years, it is barely understood. Despite the great effort, time, and money spent, no cure is in sight. Born in 1980 (on the cusp of the epidemic), Leung reveals a research establishment in disarray, and health policy gone tragically off course. Gaining access to a remarkable array of the most prominent and influential figures in the field -- among them the co-discoverers of HIV, presidential advisors, Nobel laureates, and the Executive Director of UNAIDS, as well as survivors and activists -- his restrained approach yields surprising revelations and stunning contradictions. The HIV/AIDS story is being rewritten, and this is the first film to present the uncensored POVs of virtually all the major players -- in their own settings, in their own words. It rocks the foundation upon which all conventional wisdom regarding HIV/AIDS is based. If, as South African health advocate Pephsile Maseko remarks, "this is the beginning of a war...a war to reclaim our health," then House of Numbers could well be the opening salvo in the battle to bring sanity and clarity to an epidemic clearly gone awry." Written by Knowledge Matters, LLC - 《The Emperors New Virus? - An Analysis of the Evidence for the Existence of HIV》(2011)
- 影片連結:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQFxratWh7E
或 http://vimeo.com/28934768 - 擅自翻譯:《國王的病毒:HIV存在證據的分析》
- 影片說明:"The Emperor's New Virus?" is a supplementary follow-up to the award winning documentary, House of Numbers. It takes an in-depth look at the scientific evidence surrounding the existence of HIV.
- 非常鉅細靡遺地質疑諾貝爾獎得主Luc Montagnier以來的HIV實驗。
- 這部影片順便詳細介紹許多病毒學的實驗技術!
- House of Numbers 官方網站
【醫學】Koch's Postulates and retroviruses
- In this "Special Report" episode, Dr. Moses interviews Dr. Andrew Maniotis about infectious disease, viruses and retroviruses, beginning with a review of Koch's Postulates. In the ensuing conversation Dr. Maniotis uses AIDS as an example of the limitations of the Postulates when considering retroviruses such as HIV. Furthermore, Dr. Maniotis outlines the less-discussed hypotheses for what causes AIDS, aside from HIV infection.
- 替代連結: http://tv.naturalnews.com/v.asp?v=2AA305F69DA342B6E2A267C830241FCB
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